Any space where a UL300A product is specified
If a normal residential volume of cooking occurs in a commercial space, but protection is required due to the classification of the building, The Designer (DS) Series is more than adequate protection. If that same space is used for common/public assembly, teaching, and training, or features a higher volume of use (especially from multiple operators), the D1000 Series is a more appropriate choice.

Who uses Denlar Hoods?
- Library of Congress
- Van Meter Daycare
- Ingleside at King Farm Community
- Colmery O’Neil VA Medical Center
- Futures Alternative High School Life Skills Lab
- Ladson Road Fire/EMS Station
- Bridgeport Housing Authority
- Fairfield University
- Garden Villas North Assisted Living
- Ronald McDonald Houses
- J.M. Tate High School Home Economics Lab
- Chippewa Valley Technical College
- Weatherford Police Department
- DEAC Security Building
- Hope College Student Housing
- Metro West Fire Protection Department
- Nebraska Youth Justice Initiative
- University of Oaklahoma
- Natchitoches Community Care Center
- University of North Carolina Charlotte & Waukee Student Accommodations
- Valencia County Transit Facility
- Ocean View Fire Company
- Canyon Springs High School Life Skills Lab.
- Teterboro Airport
- ATMOS Energy Service Center
- Siena Francis House Homeless Services Provider
- Cross Church
- Arkansas Tech. University Dorm Kitchens
- Addington Place at College Harbor – Senior Living
D1000 Series ideal locations
- Residential Care Facilities needing to comply with NFPA101
- College Campus’s utilizing “common use” cooking areas within Student Housing Facilities
- Military Housing – Officers Quarters, Common Use Areas, and Remote Monitoring Stations
- Church Kitchens using residential-grade appliances
- Police, Fire, EMS, and other First Responder Station Houses
- Maritime Applications – Coast Guard and private workboats where cooking occurs
- Home Economics, Life Sciences Labs, and other types of teaching/demonstration kitchens
- Club Houses and other public assembly spaces
- Anytime a true “commercial hood” would be required to protect a residential-grade appliance that wasn’t being used in a true “commercial” capacity
Designer Series Ideal Locations
- Residential “Monitored Care” Environments like Active Senior Living
- College Campus’s utilizing a “Suite Style” floor plan within Student Housing Construction
- Military Housing – Bachelors Enlisted Quarters or any other multi-unit residential military construction
- Church Kitchens using residential-grade appliances in true light-duty applications
- Police, Fire, EMS, and other First Responder Station Houses
- Home Economics, Life Sciences Labs, and other types of teaching/demonstration kitchens
- City and State managed Public Housing Facilities
- Hood can be used when a residential-grade range is used in a true light-duty capacity within a commercial space
Learn More - Case Studies

Case Study: Ingleside at King Farm
Denlar UL300A – the perfect solution for Ingleside Adult Day Care at the King Farm Community in MD.

Denlar & Ronald McDonald House: Protecting Families – A Case Study
When families are at their most vulnerable, supporting a sick child, the last thing they need is to worry about a fire in a communal

Case Study: Bridgeport Housing Authority
A tragic fire at Bridgeport Housing Authority could have been prevented by Denlar’s UL300A FAILSAFE Fire Suppression Range Hood, and a second WAS prevented.