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Denlar Fire Protection has been engineering, manufacturing, and selling FAIL-SAFE fire suppression range hoods and control systems since 2007.
The International Code Council has certified our D1000 Series Range Hood.
Our PMG listing falls under PMG-1122. Denlar Hoods are in compliance with the following codes: 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018, and 2021 International Mechanical Code (IMC), International Fire Code (IFC) and the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC). [Download]
Protect against the #1 source of
senior-living and student housing fires.
Fires in senior and assisted living facilities.
Direct property damage costs
in senior living facilities.
Cooking fires on university campuses, college residence halls and Greek housing buildings.
Fatalities and millions
of dollars in higher-ed property damages.